Kernel 1.0

  • Updates at TSL

    Aug. 8th. 2006 Ginger Taylor of the TSL has updated us with all new things that are happening at The synaptic Leap.

  • TDI/TSL manuscript

    Jul. 10th, 2006 Matt Todd of the TDI/TSL has put together a nice piece on Open source biology. Academic and industrial scientific research operate on powerful and complementary models, consisting of some mix of competitive funding, peer review, and limited inter-laboratory collaboration. Enormous successes have arisen from both models. Yet there are clear failures to deliver [...]

  • TDI at Google

    Feb. 13th, 2006 TDI was introduced at the GoogleTechTalks at Google (of course). Download the slides.  Video of the talk:

  • Stanford on neglected diseases

    Feb. 13th, 2006 TDI and TSL were represented at the Stanford series of seminars on neglected diseases. Get the slides and posters for TDI and TSL.

  • Schisto open-research community

    Jan. 1st, 2006 TDI and TSL have initiated a Schisto open-research community. Have a look here!.

  • Neglected disease symposium

    Dec. 3rd, 2005 TDI and TSL were represented at the Neglected disease symposium at QB3. Get the slides and posters for TDI andTSL.

  • QB3 Inauguration

    Nov. 23th, 2005 TDI was represented in the QB3 inauguration day!  You can get the poster here.

  • The Synaptic Leap

    Nov. 1st, 2005 TDI has partnership with The Synaptic Leap, a new organization dedicated towards providing a network of online communities that connect and empower scientific and medical researchers to conduct open source style research. Our first pilot project will aim to a gene polling for target selection in malaria structural genomics.

  • PLoS Medicine

    Dec. 1st, 2004 PLoS Medicine accepts and publishes the first paper on TDI. Read it here. Open-source drug discovery is feasible—that is, no known scientific or economic barrier bars the way. Stephen Maurer, Arti Rai and Andrej Sali

In brief...

The Tropical Disease Initiative aims to provide a "kernel" for open source drug discovery. Such kernel should allow scientists from laboratories, universities, institutes, and corporations to work together for a common cause: find new drugs against tropical disieases such as Malaria or Tuberculosis.
To know more, visit the "INSIDE" links... →