- Updates at TSL
Aug. 8th. 2006 Ginger Taylor of the TSL has updated us with all new things that are happening at The synaptic Leap.
- TDI/TSL manuscript
Jul. 10th, 2006 Matt Todd of the TDI/TSL has put together a nice piece on Open source biology. Academic and industrial scientific research operate on powerful and complementary models, consisting of some mix of competitive funding, peer review, and limited inter-laboratory collaboration. Enormous successes have arisen from both models. Yet there are clear failures to deliver [...]
- TDI at Google
Feb. 13th, 2006 TDI was introduced at the GoogleTechTalks at Google (of course). Download the slides. Video of the talk:
- Stanford on neglected diseases
Feb. 13th, 2006 TDI and TSL were represented at the Stanford series of seminars on neglected diseases. Get the slides and posters for TDI and TSL.
- Schisto open-research community
Jan. 1st, 2006 TDI and TSL have initiated a Schisto open-research community. Have a look here!.
- Neglected disease symposium
Dec. 3rd, 2005 TDI and TSL were represented at the Neglected disease symposium at QB3. Get the slides and posters for TDI andTSL.
- QB3 Inauguration
Nov. 23th, 2005 TDI was represented in the QB3 inauguration day! You can get the poster here.
- The Synaptic Leap
Nov. 1st, 2005 TDI has partnership with The Synaptic Leap, a new organization dedicated towards providing a network of online communities that connect and empower scientific and medical researchers to conduct open source style research. Our first pilot project will aim to a gene polling for target selection in malaria structural genomics.
- PLoS Medicine
Dec. 1st, 2004 PLoS Medicine accepts and publishes the first paper on TDI. Read it here. Open-source drug discovery is feasible—that is, no known scientific or economic barrier bars the way. Stephen Maurer, Arti Rai and Andrej Sali