Structural Genomics @CNAG · CRG

Some metrics on our group


Our group was initiated in 2006 at the CIPF in Valencia. Since 2012, we are located in Barcelona at the CNAG and CRG. This page (and additional ones in this Web Site) aim at transparently and continuously show what we do with the competitive funds we obtain from our projects. Since 2006, our group has been sponsored by local, national and international agencies (see logos below) to work on computational/experimental methods for understanding how biological systems fold and function.


Next, we show some stats on how we spend the resources and its output in form of articles published in peer-reviewed journals as well as presentations in conferences. All data has been updated as of January 2024.

Overall trends

Since 2006, a total of 38 researchers have own salary from the group's grants. During the same period, we have secured about 7,000,000€ in grant money and have produced over 99 articles in peer-reviewed journals. The plots show the trends since 2006.

Research areas metrics

Our efforts evolve around the study of two biological systems (originally, three biomolecules such as DNA, RNA and Proteins). Next plots show how much effort we dedicate to each area in terms of people and money. The outcome of our research in each area is measured by sum of impact factor for published papers since 2006. All values are normalized to 1 (total for the group). It is important to understand that we are dedicating most of our efforts to the Nucleus, which is resulting in more impact articles in recent years (see plot on articles below). Please, note that since 2016 we barely work on Proteins or RNA structure unless a collaboration requires to. Since 2022, we are initiating a new line of research on tissue organization.

Next plot shows the Journal impact factor of our articles on the year they were published. Each dot, which are colored by area using the same colors as above, represents an article published since 2006. The horizontal lines correspond to the average impact factors for each area.
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2024 © SGG :: 338502 visitors :: last modified on December 30, 2023