Structural Genomics @CNAG · CRG

Lab pictures...

Jine 2024 - Program Beer Hour @CRG!

Beer hour @CRG!

May 2024 - The Lab moves to new offices!

You'll find us now at Tower R, 6th floor.

April 2024 - Lab BBQ... Calçotada!

With special guests at Maria's place!

December 2023 - Marcian Torito.

Ole tu...

Dec 2023 - Lab Xmas dinner

Our Xmas dinner almost full... we missed you Peter!

Oct 2023 - Genome Biology CRG Retreat

Having fun and science at the beach!

April 2023 - First MarciusLab "Paellada"!

Lab and friends. Thanks Maria for hosting us!

March 2023 - Lab BBQ... Calçotada!

Lab and friends. Special guests, the Di Croce Lab!

December 2022 - Marcian Torito.

El Gallego! with its second dosis...

December 2022 - Xmas dinner!

We missed Ronan and Maria!!

August 2022 - New Wet Lab Space!

We are starting wet work at CNAG!

July 2022 - Lab lunch.

Ire will be leaving soon... so a good excuse for tapas!

May 2022 - Lab BBQ.

After 2 years, The MarciusLab BBQ is back... this year special guests:
Sarah, David and Julen!

April 2022 - Group Picture @CRG.

The group in mid 2022!

December 2021 - Marcian Torito.

This time italian vaccinated (or about to be vaccinated)...

December 2021 - Xmas cellebration!

Finally, we could meet in person... all vaccinated! :)

April 2021 - Lab meeting... still online :(

Martina is visiting us from Italy! This 2021 we need to gender balance the lab ;)

May 2020 - Mike's farewell party!

Saying "see you soon" to Mike in times of COVID-19.

Apr 2020 - Zooming!

Marcians in the time of COVID-19.

December 2019 - Marcian Torito.

Celebrating the process...

Nov 2019 - Ale's dinner!

Marcians celebrating the good work of Ale's during her visit!
We hope she will be back soon!

June 2019 - Lab BBQ!

Marcians having fun with our friends François, Valeria,
Simone, Greg, Stephan, Claudia, Heidi, and Lucas!

February 2019 - GRSCC Program retreat!

We had good fun at the 2019 GRSCC program retreat.

January 2019 - We reached 100 papers!

All members and old members of the lab prepared a party at home. THANKS!

December 2018 - Valeria's visit!

We are so happy for Fransu and Yasmina!

December 2018 - Xmas dinner.

Celebrating a great year of science and friendship!

December 2018 - "Dance your Lab" video!

November 2018 - Fransu's Farewell tapas.

We will miss the giant!

May 2018 - Lab Picture @CRG.

The group in 2018!

April 2018 - Lab Calçotada.

The group after a good Calçotada.
Special guests: Pedro and Claudia.

January 2018 - Yannick's farewell dinner.

A night without the boss... leave them alone!.

December 2017 - Xmas dinner.

The entire group with our newest members and our good friend Claudia!.

September 2017 - Back to work after summer.

A bunch of us waiting for the new members of the group to join!.

June 2017 - Summer dinner night.

A bunch of us having tapas in Barcelona.

February 2017 - Davide's farewell pizza night.

A bunch of us having pizza with Davide, Barcelona.

January 2017 - Gireesh's thesis defense party..

Roderic, Marc and Gireesh in Leche de Pantera, Barcelona.

January 2017 - They take it seriously this year!.

Members of the lab working at CRG, Barcelona.

December 2016 - Fran's thesis defense party.

Fran (top-right) & Friends at Bikini, Barcelona.

December 2016 - How we look from behind?.

Simon told us!

December 2016 - CRG-GRSC Program retreat.

Yes, we are there with our friends at the Department.

November 2016 - Francesca's thesis defense day.

All the group very happy for Fra! (in the middle).

November 2016 - La Marató TV3.

Irene represented the group at the La Marató de TV3 Event
with our friends from the Ferrer and Gómez-Skarmeta Groups.

May 2016 - Lab BBQ.

The group after a good BBQ (and some drinks?)
Special guests: Francesca and Marie.

December 2015 - CNAG-CRG Xmas party.

PhotoCall of the group with our good friends
Mireia, Katia and Berta.

December 2015 - "Dance your Lab" video!

June 2015 - Group dinner.

Dinner with all the group and our good friends
Marie, Francesca, and Silvia.

May 2015 - Lab picture.

Fran, Yannick, Gireesh, Davide, and François
Mike, Yasmina, Marco, Marc and Irene.

April 2015 - New offices at the 10th floor!

Silvia, Fran, Mike, François and Yannick

December 2014 - CRG Xmas party

Fran, Marc, Davide and Mike

December 2014 - "Dance your Lab" video!

November 2014 - Relaxing cup of coffee

The usual suspects Davide & François S with the new members!
Yannick, Yasmina and Marco.

February 2014 - Lab picture

David, Marc, François S, François lD, and Davide.
Gireesh, Fran and Mike.

December 2013 - Group Xmas Party

Marc, Roser, Marie, Mike and Gireesh.
François S., François lD (yes, AGAIN the floating head), and Fran.

October 2013 - EMBO Nucleus Meeting... Disco!

Marc, Davide, François lD (yes, the floating head), and François S.

May 2013 - Lab picture

Gireesh, François S, David, François lD, Davide, Marc and Francisco.

October 2012 - Our first Retreat!

Fran, David, Davide, Gireesh and our good friend Guillaume.

May 2012 - Our first foto at CRG!

David, Davide and Marc at CRG.

April 2012 - Our first foto in Barcelona!

Marc, Davide, David and Marie at La Cervesera Artesana in BCN.

October 2011 - Paella time with Emidio and Marie.

David, Davide, Emidio, Marie and Marc at the beach.

June 2011 - Idea Award Ceremony.

Marc (the guy in Puma shoes) is given the IDEA 2011 award.

February 2011 - Group Foto.

Davide, Carlos and Marc at the lab.

July 2010 - Emidio's visit.

Marc, Emidio and Hernán at a pub in Valencia.

July 2009 - Emidio's farewell dinner.

Davide, Emidio and Marc at the "Infanta" bar in Valencia.
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