Category Archives: News

GeMoA and TDI Introduced at the XVI SEQT

We were invited to talk about the open efforts, which includes the  GeMoA consortium as well as the Tropical Disease Initiative, at the XVI congress of the Spanish Society of Medicinal Chemistry in Valencia, Spain.

New Web site for GSK supported OpenLab Foundation

The OpenLab Foundation, which is supported by GSK to accelerate the discovery of treatments for diseases of the developing world, has a new Web site. Visit it here!

Open Source Drug Discovery profiled in

The Tropical Disease Initiative (friend of GeMoA) has been featured in TDI have been featured at the Spanish main Medical daily journal Diario Médico. You can read more  here (Spanish).

Kick Off Meeting in Valencia.

The first meeting (a.k.a. Kick-off Meeting) for the GeMoA consortium will take place on the 2nd and 3rd of June in Valencia (Spain).

The meeting will take place at the Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe and will be attended by all PIs of the GeMoA consortium as well as hired PostDocs.

New Web Site

This is the site for the GeMoA project.

Use the links above for navigating the static pages. This blog will allow us to keep the scientific community interested in GeMoA informed of our advances.